Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Russia- country of beautiful women

The biggest country in the world, Russia is full of resources, land, beautiful cities, and natural wonders like Kamchatka heysers and Volga river. It has a reach history and a glory that shine through the centuries. But what is the true brilliant of a country, its biggest pearl, are Russian women. Any tourist who come visit Russia is sure to say where the most gorgeous women in the world are.

Each country in every part of the world can be proud of it beautiful women, they can name you a couple or a dozen of pretty actress and singers. In Russia it is not the same. It is a little bit different proportions then in the rest of the world. In Russia almost all women are in shape, good looking, and interesting. I got my own theory on why it is like that.

Here are some facts about Russia: centuries ago Russia was captured by Tatar- Mongols. For 300 years it was under control of a Gold Orda, the Mongolian state. Through that time two nations has integrate into one another and post Mongolian Russia was different. The symbiosis of two cultures in my opinion is one of the major reasons for Russian women beauty.

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